Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Willets Road Blue Ribbon Celebration - November 22, 2011

Mr. Kimmel's Speech - Willets Road Blue Ribbon Celebration
November 22, 2011

Good morning.  Welcome to the Willets Road Blue Ribbon School Celebration.  Before we begin this morning’s program I would like to formally welcome our Superintendent of Schools Dr. Lorna Lewis, our Board of Education president, Mr. Mark Kamberg, vice president Mr. Bob Frier, and our Board trustees                Mr. Robert Fallarino, Mr. David Keefe, and Mrs. Barbara Sloane.  In attendance this morning we have a very special guest, New York State Department of Education Regent, Mr. Roger Tilles. On behalf of our District, I would like to thank you for finding time in your very busy schedule to join us this morning.  Also in attendance, we have Sandy Portnoy from Assembly woman Michelle Shimmel’s office, and State Senator Jack Martins.  Lastly I would like to welcome the administrative team of the East Williston School District and members of the Willets Road PTO Executive Board including co-presidents Gabrielle Karikas and Nancy Williams. 

At this time I ask you all to rise and turn your attention to our wind ensemble under the direction of Mr. Scott Hoefling and members of our chorus under the direction of Mrs. Karen Brandine for a performance of our National Anthem.

Last Monday and Tuesday, I had the privilege of attending the National Blue Ribbon Awards Ceremony in Washington D.C. with faculty representative Mr. Joseph Coladonato. Throughout this incredible event, I was at often times reflecting on the answers to the big questions that I believe all of the recipients were asking themselves.  First: What does the Blue Ribbon mean?  For the Willets Road School it means that we have been recognized as one of the very best schools in our nation.  There are 95,000 public schools in the United States and we were selected as one of 250 schools to receive the 2011 Blue Ribbon.  Since the Blue Ribbon Schools program was established in 1981, only 7000 schools have received this honored distinction out of 135,000 public and private schools.

The second question we asked ourselves was: “What have we accomplished to deserve this honor” Our school was recognized by the United States Department of Education as a school that maintains a very high level of academic and developmental achievement for every one of its students.  Over the past five years with the support of our Superintendent, Board of Education, PTO, and our incredible faculty and staff, we have implemented systemic changes to our instructional

programs that have truly made a remarkable difference in the learning outcomes of our students. The major changes include our shift to a 9 period day instructional day, self-selected acceleration in 7th grade mathematics, academic teaming, modified block scheduling, academic support workshops in ELA and Math, enrichment courses in the arts, humanities, and sciences, and expanded course opportunities for all students.  Additionally we have broadened our co-curricular club program to capture the interests and imagination of our students, and created SPARK as a means to foster our continued commitment the social/emotional welfare of our students and ourselves.

The final question we asked ourselves was “So now that you have achieved the distinction of being a Blue Ribbon school, where do you go from here?” The answer is quite simple.  The Blue Ribbon provides us with a sense of validation that we are among the very best and as such we have an obligation to our students and community to remain one of the top schools in our great nation.  We must continue in our pursuit of excellence by continuously challenging our students and ourselves.  We must continue to provide our students with a program that provides them with an academically rich environment that allows them to explore their interests and passions.  And we must continue to provide our staff with the support, resources, and encouragement that is so needed during these challenging times.

Lastly, as I sat among educators representing all 50 states at last week’s Blue Ribbon ceremony in Washington, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate we are to live in the greatest nation on earth.  I realized that the single most important element that binds us together as Americans is our system of education.  The goals are the same.  Prepare our students to be academically strong, independent, socially competent adults who are prepared to succeed in college, enter the workforce, contribute to our culture and society, and to cherish the freedom that we all have as Americans.

Before I close, I have a few more people to thank.  First, the world class faculty and staff of Willets Road. Please stand so that we may show our appreciation and gratitude.   Please know that you are among the very best in our nation.  Your tireless effort and commitment to the students of our community is extraordinary.  Next, on behalf of the Willets Road staff, I would like to thank the parents of our students and the Willets Road PTO for their endless support, kindness, and encouragement.  Lastly, we have 400 students thank. To all of us, you also represent the thousands of Blue Ribbon students who have made the
Willets Road School such a joyous place to learn, work, and grow.
Thank you!

At this time I would like to invite our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Lorna Lewis to officially receive the United States Department of Education Blue Ribbon Plaque awarded to the Willets Road School.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Anti Bullying Pledge Signed by All Students and Staff

As part of our Anti-Bullying month activities, every student and adult signed our anti-bullying pledge.  Each person who signed the pledge received a stop bullying bracelet.  Our message is clear, we all must work together to combat bullying, and to ensure that every student feels physically and emotionally safe while at school and at home.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oliver Visits The Willets Road School During Anti-Bullying Month

As part of our development guidance program and anti-bullying program efforts, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Director of Guidance for the East Williston School District presented a workshop to our 5th grade students entitled Oliver.  The workshop is designed around a fictional student named Oliver (you can see him taped to the board in the picture above) who is the victim of incessant teasing and bullying.  Through a series of guided discussion questions, real-life scenarios, and student experiences, students learn how to recognize signs of bullying and develop personal strategies to combat this issue.  The primary strategies that the students learned was how to be an empowered bystander.  Simply put "If you see something....don't be afraid to say something."  More often than not, if a student who is bullying or teasing another student is challenged in a polite and meaningful way by a fellow student to stop the untoward behavior, the bully will comply.  Mrs. Harrison also encouraged our students to seek the help of their teachers, counselors, and parents if they feel they need help in dealing with this type of inappropriate behavior.

Thank you Mrs. Harrison!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ryan's Story Comes to Willets Road

The Willets Road School was very fortunate have hosted renown speaker Mr. John Halligan.  Mr. Halligan presented Ryan's Story. The tragic story of his son who committed suicide due to depression caused by bullying.  Mr. Halligan's message to our students and staff focused on how we can prevent tragedies like this from happening in our community.  Throughout Mr. Halligan's presentation he stressed the importance of letting someone you trust help you in the event you are feeling lonely, isolated, and depressed.  He also urged our students to not be a bystander to bullying, but to speak up through whatever means possible to help someone who they feel are being victimized by a bully.  At the conclusion of Mr. Halligan's presentations to our 6th and 7th grade classes, he fielded questions from our students and encouraged them to reach out and apologize to someone who they may have bullied in the past.  Mr. Halligan also spoke at special parent workshop on Tuesday evening offering parents strategies on how to assist their children when they feel they are depressed and at risk for dangerous behaviors.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Willets Road Detectives in Training

Willets Road meets C.S.I.! 

Under the direction of 7th science teacher Mr. Gottlieb, the Forensic Science program has begun their fingerprinting unit.  Students are learning the different classifications of fingerprints, how to take a full set of prints, and how to analyze them.  On a recent class visit students were learning how to take a full set of their own fingerprints.  Once the prints were taken, the students determined whether the individual prints fell into one of the three types of print catagories: arch, loop, or whirl.  Next, the students will be learning how to lift fingerprints off of stationary objects.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Willets Road School is Designated a 2011 United States Department of Education Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

It is with great pride that I announce that the Willets Road School has been officially designated a United States Department of Education 2011 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. The U.S.D.E. has named 284 schools, 255 public and 29 private nationwide, as Blue Ribbon recipients. We are one of 19 schools in the state of New York to receive this honor. This coveted award is truly one of the top honors a public school can be granted. 

Throughout the years our school has provided its students with a truly exceptional educational experience.   This award serves as a tribute to the staff members, students, and families both past and present that have worked tirelessly to maintain the standard of excellence that is the Willets Road School.  

Over the next several weeks we will spread the word of our accomplishment.  On November 14th and 15th I will be attending the National Blue Ribbon Awards Ceremony in Washington D.C. to receive our official Blue Ribbon award.  Following my return from Washington, we will have a school-wide celebration in the spirit of academic excellence and SPARK to recognize this tremendous achievement that we have earned.

On behalf of the Willets Road faculty and staff we thank you and your children for making the WIllets Road School such a wonderful place to teach and learn.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Remembering the Events of September 11, 2001

On Friday, September 9th the students, faculty, and staff joined together to reflect upon the tragedy that struck our country on September 11, 2001.  Students and staff were encouraged to wear red, white, and blue clothing to school to pay tribute to our nation.  Additionally, many of our teachers were engaged in class discussions regarding the recognition of the heroes that are present in our everyday lives.  To further bring our school community together I read the following statement over the public address system followed by a moment of silence:

This Sunday, September 11, 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of one of the greatest tragedies in the history of our nation.  In the days and weeks that followed the horror that we all witnessed, our country rallied together in support of the heroes of that fateful day.  Many of them lost their lives, and many survived to tell their story.

In recognition of the solemnity of this date, we wish to offer our thoughts and prayers to the fallen and their families. We also must take time today and every day to recognize those who serve our nation protecting our liberty and freedom whether in Iraq and Afghanistan, our homeland, or anywhere in the world. 

Please join me in a moment of silence to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us.  Also, for those who have lost loved ones under any circumstance please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Please join me for a moment of silence.…..

Thank you.  May we all have a peaceful day.

Focus on School Safety

Today the students participated in the first of a series of fire safety drills and the first of two bus safety drills of the school year.  We emphasized the importance of listening to the directions of the adults (teachers, staff members, bus drivers, principal) during such emergencies in order to keep each other safe.  The students were very cooperative throughout both of the drills.  I ask that you please reinforce with your child the importance of remaining silent and listening to school personnel in the event that we do have such an emergency.  By working together, we can keep our children and community safe.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome to Willets World

Welcome to Willets World! Check my blog to see events, news, and updates from the Willets Road School. I welcome your thoughts and input as this site grows.

See you at Willets!

Mr. Kimmel